Friday, May 29, 2015


Well, I did it, I signed up for a Marathon! I will be training and (if all goes well) running on January 17, 2016 in the Carlsbad Full Marathon. Who is excited? This gal! Who is scared to death? THIS GAL!! In case you haven't heard, it is a long freaking way to run!! 26.2 miles of one foot in front of the other! I got this and I am ready! Stay tuned as I do some major strength training and weight loss to make sure I am in the best shape I can be in going into the training.

Here is my plan for the summer to get ready! First I plan to do about a 20 week training plan so that puts me starting towards the end of August. Leading up to that I am going to start consistently running 3-4 days a week. I want my average mileage each week to be around 20 miles, so I am going to start getting in 3 - 5 mile runs a week with a longer run on the weekends. However, since I have been pretty lax the last month that means I need to work up to that, so I am giving myself until July to get there, should be sufficient time since I already run about 10 miles a week.

Along with running I am going to start a new 30 minute work out program that should last about 60 days. This will be 5-6 days a week of 30 minute home videos using my own body strength to get my strength where I want it. I need you all to help keep me accountable. Please feel free to ask me regularly how I am doing! I know if you are asking me I will want to make sure I can give a good answer and make my goal!

I am also going continue eating a cleaner and healthier diet. That is the best way to make sure I continue to lose weight. Exercise alone will not get weight off. I need to eat to fuel my body for optimal performance while burning the excess fat.  Sounds so technical and easy and yet it is so hard when I am craving all that sugar and junk food!

I am going to post weekly how my work outs are going. Once I finalize my training plan for the Marathon I will let you know :-). Happy Last Weekend in May 2015! Lets make it a fun, fit and healthy one!

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