Friday, March 13, 2015

Lessons from an 8 Year Old Swimmer

Wow, so I am trying really hard to keep up with life right now. With sick kids, work, school, husband on travel. . . well it is just a little crazy to keep up around here. I sometimes feel like I am barely keeping my head above water. Normally running is my saving grace. Daughter #2 is almost always up for a ride in the jogging stroller so I can get some stress out and she enjoys the ride, usually breaking at a park for play time. After last weeks 7 at 7 mantra I was ready to get moving more. Wednesday we spent the day at her first Preschool Field Trip - Oma's Pumpkin patch.
She had a blast, and yes I know fail on my part for putting her in shorts to go to a pumpkin patch, but it has been SSOOOO Hot I was not thinking about the hay as much as the comfort of not over heating. We got home from the Pumpkin Patch all set to get a 3 Mile run in. I had mapped out the course so that I could run from the house to Daughter #1's school that would be a 4 mile run. The weather was low 70's and slightly overcast, perfect running weather! I was going to run to the school and then walk home with the girls (shortest route is 2.5 miles). Daughter #1 LOVES walking to or from school, so I was all set. Got dressed, loaded up jogging stroller with water and snacks, loaded up Daughter #2 and started to move, realizing that the stroller had a flat tire. No big deal, we have an air compressor so easy to fill up the tire. One BIG problem, husband had loaned the air compressor to a co-worker and had not gotten it back yet. UGGHHH, no running to the school! Then, plans to run on the treadmill were derailed with daughter #2 became sick with the nasty flu/cold going around.
So to shorten what became a very long week, no running occurred either on the road or the treadmill due to sick child interrupting at the worst times and so no run and barely enough time for a shower. Then just when I thought I would maybe get to sleep in we realized we would have to be at the pool by 7 AM for Daughter #1's first official year round swim meet. That is life right?
Attending her swim meet and seeing her determination was a lesson that I hope to carry over to my running

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