Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hills, Blisters and Prepping for La Jolla

I reached a major milestone in my running this last weekend. I ran 8 miles with NO walk breaks. Yes I know for some of you that is nothing. But this gal hasn't done more than 6 miles in over a year. I know, I know I completed a Half Marathon in November. However, I was woefully undertrained for that and did a run/walk after mile 5. Not only did I do 8 miles with no walking I also did it on HILLS!!!! Oh yes, I am prepping for La Jolla 1/2 Marathon.

This isn't the first time I have attempted this beautiful course. Oh no, hubby and I completed it back in 2013. He was working on the San Diego Triple Crown and I just liked the price so thought I would give it a try.


 I was CLUELESS when people referred to the "Hill" I had really no idea what they were talking about. I mean in my mind I said:

 Until I came around the corner and saw the masses that were beginning the ascent up the hill. I saw where I was headed and thought, "Oh S$#!%!! I have to get up that!" But I finished it. I actually finished it in a PR time for me. Again that was amazing because I really had not been training for it other than on a treadmill and never longer than 6 miles. I just kept reminding myself to

 So, that was my state of mind for La Jolla 2013. This year is a little different. I have actually been training a little more. As I said in my opener, yes I RAN 8 miles and it was no treadmill flat course. Oh no, it was full of rolling hill after hill. I even finished it in a good time. I will be honest, I didn't plan on there being SO MANY hills on my training run. I was just being lazy and decided to leave my front door and run 4 miles in one direction and then turn around and come back. What I forgot about was that the road I chose is a hilly one. But I got thru it. I started to experience the blisters and the pain that hills will bring and I ran thru them. My view from the run this weekend was not nearly as beautiful as the La Jolla Half will offer.

This year I know what I am about to run in a little less than 4 weeks. I have ran this hill quite a few times since then. I feel good now. I have learned a lot about myself and what running can do for me. I can finish things. I can reach the goal that I want to reach.  2015 I am going to say to the Torrey Pines Hill:

Friday, March 20, 2015

Vacation Count Down

I am sooo ready for vacation. We finally booked a family vacation in the wonderful location of Hawaii. Of course I booked the vacation based on an unapproved school calendar. What does that mean you ask? That means my children get an extra week out of school this year. I am okay with that. Hubby and I have been running in ever direction lately and so it is time to unplug and unwind with the family. I am excited to be to a new place and just relax.
At this point you may be wondering what that has to do with eating clean and my new health kick. Well, it has everything to do with it! With a trip to Hawaii that means I HAVE to be in better shape. I don't want to be embarrassed to get into my swimsuit, I want to feel confident and relaxed.
That being said I turned to my friend and who became a Beachbody Coach and jumped on the bandwagon. I signed up for an Insanity Max:30 challenge that began 1/1/15. I will admit I was not as focused as I should have been. My diet was lacking, but I was working out. Add the 5 days a week 30 minute intense work out with running 3-4 days a week and I have really started to see some differences!
 However, in the process I have started to realize that change needs to be on the inside as well as the outside. I have to change my thinking about food and certain aspects of my life. I am not a super mom or super hero. I have limitations, and that is okay.

As for food, the mindset I want to have is it is okay to enjoy food, but the important thing to remember is that food is fuel for my body, not just a taste good thing. Crap in means crap out. I never used to buy into the idea that a shake could work to reduce cravings and my sweet tooth. I am not sure if it is the Shakeology or a combination of Shakeology with working out, but I have actually been able to walk past the case of Girl Scout Cookies in my pantry and not be tempted to eat them all in one sitting. In fact I think I have had a total of 6 cookies since the season started. I enjoy the shakes and actually feel full afterwards. I will gladly go into the benefits of Shakeology,  if you would like to email or comment below I will respond! But what I can say is that I don't want sweets nearly as much and love fueling my body with real whole foods!

 After I finished Insanity Max:30 I couldn't wait to try the next thing and this time get my nutrition under control! That lead me to 21 Day Fix Extreme. Literally I am working out doing a 30 minute video every day for 21 days! I was nervous but I have pushed play every day (Ok I missed 1 day but I made up for it). Along with the program came to portion control color coded containers and wow! I started seriously dropping some inches. I am determined to have a body I am happy with. It may not happen by Vacation, but I will be so much closer!

Thanks to my successes, and all I am learning, I have decided to pay it forward and became a coach with Team Beachbody! If anyone is interested in finding out more about the challenges, programs, or Shakeology contact me and we can discuss. You can now find me on facebook at facebook.com/carriesjourneytofitness to follow more of my journey on a regular basis!


Friday, March 13, 2015

Lessons from an 8 Year Old Swimmer

Wow, so I am trying really hard to keep up with life right now. With sick kids, work, school, husband on travel. . . well it is just a little crazy to keep up around here. I sometimes feel like I am barely keeping my head above water. Normally running is my saving grace. Daughter #2 is almost always up for a ride in the jogging stroller so I can get some stress out and she enjoys the ride, usually breaking at a park for play time. After last weeks 7 at 7 mantra I was ready to get moving more. Wednesday we spent the day at her first Preschool Field Trip - Oma's Pumpkin patch.
She had a blast, and yes I know fail on my part for putting her in shorts to go to a pumpkin patch, but it has been SSOOOO Hot I was not thinking about the hay as much as the comfort of not over heating. We got home from the Pumpkin Patch all set to get a 3 Mile run in. I had mapped out the course so that I could run from the house to Daughter #1's school that would be a 4 mile run. The weather was low 70's and slightly overcast, perfect running weather! I was going to run to the school and then walk home with the girls (shortest route is 2.5 miles). Daughter #1 LOVES walking to or from school, so I was all set. Got dressed, loaded up jogging stroller with water and snacks, loaded up Daughter #2 and started to move, realizing that the stroller had a flat tire. No big deal, we have an air compressor so easy to fill up the tire. One BIG problem, husband had loaned the air compressor to a co-worker and had not gotten it back yet. UGGHHH, no running to the school! Then, plans to run on the treadmill were derailed with daughter #2 became sick with the nasty flu/cold going around.
So to shorten what became a very long week, no running occurred either on the road or the treadmill due to sick child interrupting at the worst times and so no run and barely enough time for a shower. Then just when I thought I would maybe get to sleep in we realized we would have to be at the pool by 7 AM for Daughter #1's first official year round swim meet. That is life right?
Attending her swim meet and seeing her determination was a lesson that I hope to carry over to my running