So often I used to think that stay at home moms should have
plenty of time to do everything. Haha! I was SOOO wrong. Now that I am a stay
at home mom I feel so much more stressed and have even less time for my
workouts it feels. I need to be working 4+ hours a day to keep up with the
work. Then the cleaning (let’s face it that takes last priority). All this is
around kids’ schedules of school, swim, tutoring, and homework, not to mention
just playing with them. It seems like there should be plenty of time. But let
me lay out the day. Wake up at 6-6:30 and it is get kids/husband lunches ready,
and kids ready for school. By 8 it is out the door for school drop off. This is
usually a longer process then I plan because I indulge my kids and walk them to
class and then end up running into a parent or two to say hi to and talk with
about life. So instead of getting home by 8:30 it is usually 9. Then I try on
MWF to get my runs in, anywhere from 3-5 miles depending on the training plan.
Due to my pace being so slow this is anywhere from a 36-60 min time. After you
account for getting the little one set up with her movie or snack and all the
other interruptions it is usually 10-10:30 before that is done. From there I usually clean up a little (not a
shower yet who has time for that). By 11 I MAY have time to sit down and get to
my job. “Work” from 11 AM-2 PM interrupted frequently by youngest needing
something or wanting help with her coloring or reading. Of course at some point
in there I have to get lunch. At 2 we get ready to pick up the oldest from
School. Again that rarely goes as fast as I hope pick up will go. So by the
time we get home it is 2:45-3. Then it is snack time and homework until 3:45
and then off to Swim until 5:30-6. After that it is home for
dinner/showers/cuddle time/bed. If I am lucky kids are in bed by 8-8:30 and
actually settled by 9. At this point, if you are following along I still need
to work for another 1-2 hours to get all my time and work done. Just looking at
that typed out makes me cringe and think that running really should be cut out
so I can clean more. However, then the
family would really dislike me! I would be so grouchy.
The perfect schedule would be me getting up at 5 AM and
getting my work out in before 6:30. However, I am just not a morning person. 5AM
just comes SOOOO early! I haven’t had my running partner lately due to life so
I have no motivation to get out of bed! I am trying so hard to be perfect and
fit it all in. I think the facts are we can’t always fit it all in. No matter
how well we plan our schedule there has to be flexibility. Life is great at
throwing us curve balls. I did a weekly schedule with cleaning and work outs.
It included getting up every morning at 5 AM to get it all in. What it left out
were important things like helping with homework and grocery shopping. I will
have to revisit that some day soon.
For now I am going to do my best to keep plugging away and
make time for the most important things, my family and taking care of myself.
While some, and even myself sometimes, think my running time is selfish, I
would argue it is needed. Without it I would probably gain even more weight (a
subject for another blog post) and be very grouchy. So, my “me” time is running
and the rest of the day is flexible depending on what my family needs. I try to
remind myself that by doing this I am setting an example to my daughters that
it is important to take care of yourself, even in busy times. Life happens but how we react to it is the
important part!
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