Sunday, October 12, 2014

Life Changes . . .

Has it really been almost 6 months since my last post! Wow, a LOT has changed since then. Back then I was a full time working mom and life seemed busy. NOW, I am a full time stay at home mom and a part time remote worker.  It is ridiculuos how much busier I am NOW than I was before. Not only do I have to to fit in 20-30 hours of working remotely I also have to take care of my lovely family.  In the process my running has taken a side note.

That needs to stop NOW! I was listening to a Podcast the other day and the topic was that we need to make a decision to make time for our runs. That is soo true. My oldest daughter is now in swim team and is being so active. I am so proud of her. She however, has noticed that mom has been a lot grouchier and less patient than normal. She asks me almost daily now if I have ran lately. The answer to that would be no. Why, I ask myself, have I not been out beating feet and doing what I love? Oh I have excuses up the wazu, but none of them are valid! I have come to realize that I need to just schedule my work outs and set them as a priority, just like I do work.

With the summer over and school starting up life continues to change. Husband on travel a lot more, youngest in preschool 2 days a week, oldest in school, swim team, homework and on and on and on. Oh and don't forget continuing to work remotely 25 hours a week and selling Thirty-One Gifts. I LOVE my life, but running is not as easy to get in. However, that didn't stop me from getting together with my BRF and running 7 miles today! We have both been slacking, but today my motto was 7 at 7, and it worked! We started talking and before we knew it we were at 6 miles. By that point I was not about to stop, my mantra today, 7 at 7.

You may be wondering why I am trying so desperately to get in 7 miles today. The answer is that in about 1 month I have another 1/2 Marathon, Silver Strand 1/2, to run. I really want to get my goal of 2:45 and to do that I need to get more serious, get my runs in, get some cross training in, and just be happy with myself for doing my best.  I am realizing that I am not getting younger. So, if I am going to actually PR I have to actually train and TRY to get faster. I know it is a crazy idea. I am getting there. I may not be fast right now, but I am getting my stamina up and I am going to do it. Now, to get my diet in order life will be good. That will get there as well. One step at a time.